Simon Sarris

The Garden of 100 Roses

I use this name despite my ambitions of many more roses than that.

the rose garden

In 2023 I began designing a small flower garden for the front of my house. Focused on roses, it will also contain a number of companion plants. It has a few goals, it must be:

  • Beautiful and enjoyable for both my family and passerbys. This means it should be close to the house but maximally visible from the road. Like my house, it should feel like part of the town's architecture.
  • Landscape-sized (large), but contain more than just shrubs. So many gardens around here have a focus on being as maintenance free and context-less as possible, and I want to create something more interesting. (See: Bad gardens are often about insensitivity to context)
  • Managable by mostly just one person, who does not own a tractor.

If you want to contribute to this garden, you can adopt a rose.

Roses planted so far: 97

Teasing Georgia
Teasing Georgia 2
Lady of Shalott
Lady of Shalott 2
Alnwick 8
Golden celebration
Golden celebration 3
Moje Hammarberg
Moje Hammarberg 22
Chloris 2
Princess Alexandra of Kent
Princess Alexandra of Kent 6
Harlow Carr
Harlow Carr 16
Elizabeth 6
Generous Gardener
Generous Gardener 8
Eustacia Vye
Eustacia Vye 6
Bathsheba 2
Silas Marner
Silas Marner 3
Munstead Wood
Munstead Wood 1
Mary Delany
Mary Delany 4
Fantin-Latour 2
Lady of the Lake
Lady of the Lake 1
Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl 1
Gentle Hermione
Gentle Hermione 1
New Dawn
New Dawn 1

Roses ordered for 2025: 39

Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl 2
The Lark Ascending
The Lark Ascending 3
Scepter D'Isle
Scepter D'Isle 3
Bring Me Sunshine
Bring Me Sunshine 3
Raubritter 12
The Ancient Mariner
The Ancient Mariner 3
Scarborough Fair
Scarborough Fair 3
Heritage 1
Constance Spry
Constance Spry 1
Desdemona 6
Lichfield Angel
Lichfield Angel 2


  • John E, dozens(!) of rose bushes
  • Michael Schonfeld, dozen rose bushes
  • Nick Vitucci, multiple rose bushes
  • Amir, lots of organic fertilizer from Greenway Biotech
  • Ann Manov